Dr. Fadhlullah Suhaimi Abdul Malek
Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission

Mario Maniewicz
Director (R)
International Telecommunication Union(ITU)

Dr. Wen Tong
CTO, Wireless Network
Huawei Technologies

Ilgyu Kim
Assistant Vice President, Leader of Future Mobile Communication Research Division
Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), Korea

Claudio Sacci
Assistant Professor
University of Trento, DISI

Jeff Smith
Head of Connectivity
Zephyr Programme, Airbus Defence and Space

Prof. Ramjee Prasad
Founder President & Professor
Future Technologies for Business Ecosystem Innovation (FT4BI)
CTIF GLOBAL CAPSULE , Aarhus University, Herning, Denmark

Dr Sudhir Dixit
Chair, WWRF Working Group 6G
Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF)

Alejandro Islas
Director General, Coordination of the Information and Knowledge Society
Ministry of Communications and Transportation, Mexico

Dengke Wang
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

Dr. HyeonWoo Lee
Dankook University

Uwe Lowenstein
ITU-R Study Group 5 (SGD/SG5) International Telecommunication Union (ITU)